Follow these tips to help keep your Cat® engines in tip-top shape:
Maintain primary and secondary fuel filters to keep a minimum of 80PSI on C32 Acert engines.
Check and maintain zincs to ensure proper protection from electrolysis.
Keep cooling system overflow bottle filled to the full cold level to ensure the cooling system is operating properly.
Rotate gear and fuel transfer filter wipers daily to ensure the filters are clean and working properly.
Always treat fuel (as it is purchased) with a good biocide to ensure the control of microorganisms in the tanks.
Maintain airseps; filters should be cleaned and properly oiled to ensure proper filtration and reduce air restriction.
Closed crankcase ventilation filters (fumes disposal) should be checked and maintained regularly.
Regularly scheduled oil samples should be taken to produce a trend to track wear elements in the engine oil. Gears and genset are also a good idea.
Run the engines at rated full load for 5 minutes a day when fishing or cruising to ensure no problems are present and marine growth is at a minimum on the running gear.
All engines have extended life coolant that is good for 12,000 hours with an extender added at 3,000 hours. Always top off cooling systems with ELC and not water to ensure proper coolant condition.
Rubber impellers should be inspected every 200 hours; if an impeller is starting to fail the gear temperature usually starts to elevate a few degrees first.
Regularly have the sea strainer checked on the bottom of the boats to ensure it is not stopping up and that it is in good condition.
All oil levels should be checked and maintained to above the add level, never over fill the full level.
Check the battery condition regularly, always refill with distilled water only.
If you have any questions, or need new or used parts and service,
don’t hesitate to give us a call 252-504-2640.